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CareyTown is an incorporated, nonprofit 501c3 agency licensed by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services.

State Educational

Childcare Licensing Standards

Supporting Students' Educational Goals

Breakfast, Lunch

& Snack

served daily!

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At Careytown Preschool, we care for our students like they’re our own children. We offer a safe, loving, and supportive all-day environment for our littlest ones that encourage learning and growth. Our teachers are devoted to each and every child in our care and strive to foster a sense of community among our students and their families. We offer breakfast and lunch and snack and follow state childcare licensing standards. We look forward to helping your child grow, learn, and thrive!



Homework Help & Academic 
Support For

K-5th Grade


S.T.E.A.M. Activities

Guest Speakers




served daily!

Breakfast & Afterschool


served daily!

CareyTown offers before-and-after school homework help and academic support for students,

Kindergarten – 5 th grade, enrolled in our School-Age Program. During the afterschool portion of the day,

students are also offered unique learning opportunities, including participation in Science, Technology,

Engineering, Arts, Math (STEAM) mini-activities, English-Language Arts (ELA) exercises, guest

speakers/presentations, and physical education.


Retention and enrichment of

school-year learning


S.T.E.A.M. Activities

Guest Speakers

Educational Trips

Breakfast, Lunch

& Snack

served daily!

Our summer program offers educational enrichment activities such as STEAM programming, field trips, special guests, and other fun learning activities. We are committed to helping children avoid summer learning loss and have a great time while doing it. We strive to provide your child the best possible learning experience and ensure each day is filled with lots of fun and adventure. Our staff members are passionate about each child’s individual growth and development, and we look forward to sharing an amazing summer with you and your family.

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